Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hello World

This is Marco signing onto my first blog ever ! 

So apparently my adventurous spirit (which I am going to “blame” my parents for, hee, hee) and God’s call are leading me to a new chapter of my life.  For several years now I have been interested in doing missionary work overseas.  After looking at various options, discussing with my spiritual director, and discerning for several months, I have felt confirmed that my desire to serve and my openness to learn from other cultures has led me to the Lay Mission Helpers.

Beginning this last January I started a well-designed formation program that is preparing us to serve overseas.  We have had some excellent and very enthusiastic teachers who have been sharing on topics such as Mission Theology, Cross Cultural communications and Christian Ethics, to name just a few.  As I sit in these classes my spirit is feeling more and more drawn to the new experiences that await me.  It has been suggested often, that these experiences will change me in a very profound way and it is this change that is at the heart of why I feel so drawn to doing missionary work.  I sense God leading me to a place that will stretch me and convert areas within me that still need to be brought into His light.  So despite the inevitable anxious moments I occasionally have, I am eager for this new chapter to begin and I ask you all to keep me in prayer that I may serve faithfully and be open to the growth that Christ has planned for me!