Monday, November 21, 2016

Observations, Appreciations and Challenges I

Part 1: Observations

For my first part I will start with some of the observations that I believe are unique to Cameroon; or at least it is only here that I have seen them.  Despite the terrible road conditions, I have come to see that public transportation in Cameroon is quite efficient.  What I would describe as the Cameroonian Uber system, is a bit less technical and much easier to use than what we have in California.  One simply needs to have a finger to wave to the passing taxi instead of a smart phone with GPS.  In addition, usually even unmarked cars serve as a quasi-taxis and are happy to pick up passengers and collect a fare.

Now within the cities and towns there is another even more expedient form of taxi that can transport you basically on a moment’s notice.  These are the motorcycles (motos) which truly are just about everywhere you look.  And given the state of the roads, the motos and their nimbleness, are a huge asset to getting you through town while avoiding the potholes and passing around rush hour traffic.  Mind you, as long as there is space on the road, traffic can move freely on either side without any legal concern.  And don’t think that because it is a moto you are limited to only one passenger.  I have seen up to five people on a standard sized moto. I am still not quite sure how they all managed to get on but they did. 

I have also seen a moto transporting a couch on the backseat but unfortunately was not able to get a picture fast enough.  What I have been able to photograph is probably the most unique feature of Cameroonian moto taxi drivers.  You might be thinking that moto drivers are limited to only the dry season but you would be completely wrong.  These entrepreneurial “people-movers” have solved the problem of carrying passengers while it’s raining.  YES they have come up with moto-umbrellas and from what I can see they really do work!!!   Here are some action shots of my observations so far.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Cultural Dress Day

It is Cultural Dress Day today at CATUC and I snuck in to work using my California Culture wear.  Beside me is Mr. Paul Vincent Etogo Jr., wearing a very stylish suit from Ghana!  He is my co-worker and Cameroonian friend that is ensuring my enculturation goes smoothly!  
Although the school policy is no shorts, I was allowed to hang out in my California attire for a brief period and then went home to downscale the beach flavor! Next time, I think I should ask Mr. Paul if his tailor can make some pants for me out of the flower print on my shorts.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

CATUC Students and Matriculation Mass Celebration

Hello friends,

Classes have now started at the Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda (CATUC) and I am truly enjoying meeting so many of the students!  Despite the difference in culture and multiple decades since I completed my undergraduate degree, many of the challenges are basically the same.  Seeing the bright and hopeful faces of these students brings a huge smile to my face and I feel myself wanting to serve them in whatever way God is calling me to.  Just the other day we had our Matriculation Mass and since our office had been involved in preparing several of the students for the readings and petitions, I felt so proud of them as they accomplished their parts.  I kind of felt like a beaming mother hen with her chicks, heehee.

I must also share how inspired I am to see so many students consistently come to daily Mass during their lunch hour.  I am not so sure that when I was a college student I would have sacrificed my lunch hour to go to Mass.  I have a feeling I would have been led by my hungry stomach!

Peace and prayers to all, and a request to keep the CATUC students in your prayers as this academic year begins!